The Young
Leaders Program (YLP) is a four-year initiative, funded by USAID and
implemented by Counterpart International. The GOAL of the Young Leaders Program
is to support active, civically-engaged and socially conscious youth in
Tajikistan and to provide them with the tools and experience to take ownership
of their future and contribute to the development of their country.
This goal is supported by two OBJECTIVES: (1) to increase youth
involvement in promoting positive change in their communities; and (2) to
improve the quality of youth services provided through government, donors and
civil society organizations (CSOs). These objectives are supported by the
creation and ongoing development of a youth civic education and program
framework. The framework includes both materials (training manuals, project
concepts, youth CSO directories) and methodologies (monitoring and evaluation
of youth projects, youth grant making best practices, involving youth in local
governance) that draw upon good practices from Tajikistan and other countries.
The program is working with a number of governmental and non-governmental
stakeholders in designing and continuing to improve this framework.
support these objectives, YLP is soliciting requests for proposals from willing
organizations seeking to participate in the program’s Technical Assistance (TA)
grants initiative. This initiative is targeting local CSOs with requisite
technical experience in youth development and organizational development to
work directly with our program partners and target youth to strengthen and
enhance existing program activities, as well as to design and deliver new
programming in our target regions.
the issuance of Technical Assistance (TA) Grants, YLP ensures that other CSOs,
particularly with a background in youth engagement, have the opportunity to
share their knowledge and capacities to further strengthen existing YLP
interventions, as well as formulate new interventions where there are gaps in
existing programming. YLP will issue approximately three (3) TA grants, valued
up to $6,000 each.
TA grants
should be planned and implemented in all 3 YLP target regions – Zarafshan and
Rasht valleys and Badakhshan. Proposed grant activities should include at least
one of the following core YLP program activities
informal civic education;
youth leadership;
event organization;
new media or information
capacity building;
network creation;
other relevant technical
Proposals must be
submitted in both Tajik/Russian and English, and must
demonstrate the organization’s capacities and relevant program experience. In addition, applicants
must provide following information:
Name of Organization and Acronym (if applicable)
- Legal Address
- Telephone number(s)
- E-mail address
- Website address (if any)
- Organizational Representative
(Name, Position)
- Dates of Founding and Registration
(Please attach a Copy of the Registration Certificate)
- Copy of the Organization’s Charter
- Proposal (maximum 6 pages total), inclusive of the following
The organization’s mission
Experience in youth and civic
education programming
Full description of proposed
Relevant institutional capacity
of organization (e.g.: human and material resources)
Detailed budget
The initial grants period will be from date of award
through April, 30, 2013
Grant Selection Process Overview:
1. Proposals will be initially reviewed
by YLP to identify organizations that have: 1) Met the minimum submission
requirements above, and: 2) Have relevant youth and civic education program
implementation experience.
2. Applications will be evaluated by a
Selection Committee comprised of both internal and external reviewers to be
scored based on the selection criteria outlined in the section below. Based on
the Selection Committee’s recommendations, TA grants will be awarded to three
organizations on or about January 1, 2013.
The Deadline for submission of proposals
is December 3, 2012, 5 p.m.
Late submissions will not be considered.
Proposals must be submitted in one HARD
COPY (of both Tajik/Russian and English), signed and sealed by the legal
representative of the organization by the stated deadline.
Download Application
Applications and
accompanying documentation will not be returned. Only short-listed organizations will be notified.
Please send submissions to: Counterpart
International – Tajikistan
Husein-zoda Street, Apartment #14
code: 73 40 25
For questions, please contact YLP Program
Director, Farrukh Tyuryaev at (+992) 98 888 7212 or Grants Manager, Nasiba
Nurova at (+992) 988885282 or (+992) 37 221 19 98.